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Blooming Lotus - Spring Equinox Yoni De-Armouring & Cacao Ceremony (with Dorothy & Suntaya)

𓆙 Yoni De-Armouring 𓆙

If you’re feeling called to embark upon the path of the priestess, I won’t sugar coat it… You’re being asked to feel more of everything. Expand your capacity & range with your body as your guide. Learn how to live as an embodied channel, allowing all emotions to pass through you and alchemize them into pure, raw, life force energy.

Your pussy is a powerhouse of creative potential AND she needs to feel safe. We often store lifetimes of trauma, pain, emotion and stories inside the walls of our yoni as well as our vulvas.

It’s so common to experience pain, numbness, disgust or disinterest during sexual intimacy. Many women experience feeling shut down & unable to open to pleasure and connection whether with themselves or a partner.

The beautiful thing is, that all of us have access to this incredible gift of building a sacred relationship with our yoni. Through slowness, presence and unconditional love we can reawaken her into the wild, erotic, gushing powerhouse that she is.


Through deep presence, prayer and invocation of the Divine Feminine Frequency - together - we open the portal to the womb mysteries.

The healing, heart opening, medicine of cacao will ally us into the ethers of unconditional love so that we can meet our bodies with heavenly hands.

We will start lying down on our backs with some nurturing touch and self massage to relax our bodies & tune into prayer. We will channel Divine Spirit through our own hands to offer ourselves this life giving touch.

IF AND WHEN* your yoni gives a sacred ‘yes’ you will be invited to enter your own portal to deepen your relationship to your pussy, to offer internal massage & apply pressure to specific areas to lovingly release stored emotions, traumas & stories and to practice vertical sourcing through opening your vagal pathway.

If you receive a sacred 'no' or 'not right now' you are given the gift of honoring that and holding space for your yoni wherever she is at.

This practice can absolutely be psychedelic and wildly emotional. As our yonis are portals to the cosmos & our oracular wisdom we remember and awaken our gifts as a channel for Shakti.

You will be invited to release sounds with every exhale. Breath & Sound are vital to releasing & alchemizing the energy. As our yonis & throats are intrinsically connected this is a powerful ritual for vocal activation!


Bring everything you need to be comfy lying down for an hour +
-A yoga mat
-Blanket to lie on and a blanket to cover yourself
-A robe or sarong for easy coverage
-Coconut or Jojoba Oil
-A journal & pen
-Yoni Wand (this is not necessary however I absolutely recommend incorporating it into your practice at some point, this ceremony would be a great time to start! Read on to learn more)


A wand is optional and allows for more dexterity, while using your finger allows for deeper intimacy, connection and awakening sensation. I feel it’s best to have a practice with both.

Using a wand will also allow you to reach deeper and apply more pressure. While we can de-armour any part of our body we can only reach certain parts of ourselves with tools. For some women & womb bearers, the cervix is inaccessible. Other women can reach their cervical gateways with ease. Sometimes I find that as I go deep within myself and soften, my cervix opens and the ‘chamber of secrets’ is unveiled, illuminating entire new worlds within my body. I definitely need the cervical serpent for this!

Such that - the wand I recommend and encourage is this. (use code ERW10 to save 10%)
It has the thinner end for de-armouring work and the bulbous end for pleasure! Order it asap so you can use it for this upcoming ceremony!


Everybody who has a yoni is welcome HOWEVER, please understand I am a cis-woman and use language that resonates with my devotion to serving the Goddess & Feminine Frequency. Please also know I can only share from my experience as a cis-woman performing these practices and have primarily worked with cis-women.

If you have recent or active sexual trauma, this might not be the most appropriate time for you to dive into yoni-dearmouring. Please take time to connect with your yoni to feel into if this is right for you right now.


Because of the nature of this ceremony this will be a closed container in which pre-registration is required!!! Registration will close at 6pm on 3/22

Sliding Scale Donation: $55-$77
Financial Hardship Only: $44

Doors open at 5:45
Doors close AT 6:10 sharp.

March 8

Community Cacao & Breathwork at Pranify Yoga in Greenlake

April 2

Ethereal Embrace: Ceremonial Sound Journey with Inara Sky & Suntaya Song