Let this be the altar upon which you lay all that which is necessary in order to call in this next chapter of your life.


Access to the Heart Medicine Activation group chat where we get to grow alongside each other.

Space is limited to 8 people maximum to maintain the integrity of the container.

To show the f*ck up and declare to Spirit that you are fully present?
Willing and ready to surrender your old stories & paradigms?
To learn, grow and evolve in unimaginable ways through love and devotion?
That you are decided.
No more playing small.

Step into the birthright of your unique expression.
Explore the depth & alchemy of the medicine that only you hold.
Embody that with which has always been within you.
Clear your channel.
Activate your voice.
Nurture the blossoming of your Soul Song.
Surrender into the knowing that what you want wants you.

We Are the One Song

There’s a rhythm, a pulsing, a medicine alive within you.
The wisdom of the ancients, all ancestral lineages trace back to one.
What beckons these codes to awaken within your DNA?
Our Soul is forever imprinted with the gifts we’ve carried throughout all incarnations.
The magick you ARE is already within every cell of your being.
The Heart Medicine you hold flows through your veins.
It’s time to reclaim yourself as a medicine carrier.

Are you ready to be the Living Transmission of your Soul’s Sacred Song?

Self-Initiate into your Path

Access the infinite innate wisdom within your own cellular memory. Self-Initiation is our birthright. You know when you’re ready, when you’re in integrity. Is this the path to standing in right relation with your Goddess given medicine? Are you ready to step into full devotion to your mission?

Delve into the Mystery of your Breath

Prana. Spirit. Life force. All one thing.

What is it here to teach you? What is on the other side? Great Mystery, I surrender to you. May I be taken by the current of my own breath until the I becomes the One and in that sea of divine union may I be healed and made full by the salve of the Original Medicine that is my blood, bones and body.

Awaken Your Embodied Channel

Great Spirit, allow me to arrive here fully as the hollow bone so that I may be of the highest service for all. Allow me to be clear and present so that I may speak, sing and be medicine for the Earth, myself and the collective.

Mama Gaia, take my roots deeper and nourish them. Grant me that which I need to stand strong in my Integrity so that I may be fearless in my expression of Truth.

Activate your Heart Medicine

What is your truth? Ancient heart, I’ve stayed away too long. Hidden too long. I call to you now, I am ready to know you fully, every twist and turn of the Heart Cave so that when the winds howls I may know your song as my own.

Unleash your Essential Song

Open up to the full potential of your voice. Access the sacred sounds of the primordial innate wisdom within you. Your voice matters. Your voice IS vibrational medicine for the collective. Liberate the soul song that lives within you.

Our bags carry many tools who’s worn handles and varied shapes tell the story of where we once came.

They reflect the paths upon which we’ve prayed, the temple’s gates that we’ve thrown ourselves upon, the spots of Earth that have held us and the fires that have brought love to our shadows. We all carry the wounds of our collective. Each of us carry our pieces of the puzzle that is made whole through our remembrance.

We offer to you all that we’ve collected, practiced, learned from, deepened into and through in order to raise the vibration of our planet to that of unconditional love.

We offer to you ourselves as a temple of sacred union through which we dance and come to know ourselves and thus call forth from you your Inner Light, SoulSong and Heart Medicine.

Sound & Light Language Transmissions
Plant Medicine
Sweat Lodge

Voice Activation
Container Creation
Space Holding
Energetic Hygiene
Emotional Access

$555 per month