‘We make our greatest offering to the world simply by attending to our own balance. Every time we create peace in our own being, we make a significant contribution to world peace.’ -Pamela Miles


𓂀 Light Language Transmission : Channeled Guidance : Shamanic Journeying 𓂀

Sound itself can open a vibrational portal. After all, it’s sound that birthed all of creation into existence, we are all sounding out the continuation of the One Song in every moment, every day.

So what happens when we choose to engage with Sound in ceremony? As a ritual for our transformation? When we tap into the infinite well of mystery that lives to learn & unravel through us?

Sound is not only an original medicine — it’s an original language that everyone understands on a soul // energetic & cellular level. Beyond the veil of our perceived reality - every thing is sound, code, light, geometry, permeable. Sound is one such tool that originates from the formless realms to create & restructure the realm of form.

Sound can alter physical matter instantaneously. I collaborate with sound as a living technology and I am its student, vessel & live in devotion to serving out the mission of the One Song - to reunite the human family into ecstatic states of sacred union.

The sacred sound of AUM brought all of existence into creation and we are still singing out this singular, all encompassing song. Through tuning into this omnipresent field of Divine Creation - we access the primordial realms of the quantum field from which all originates. It is from this singular point of the eternal now, that the ancient/future medicine of sound can move mountains.

The song is a co-creation of you, our ancestors/guides, the Earth, plant & animal Queendoms, star beings, past lives, cosmos, deities & cosmic realms. In transmissions we often receive insights, guidance, visions & lessons. The sounds themselves are encoded with living technology that can access & unlock the energetic pathways in your physical body. Sound also works through me as an activator to support you in self-initiating & evolving your unique gifts as all.

Energy Clearing, Compassionate Entity Extraction & Soul Retrievals also available. Sometimes these come up naturally in session - sometimes they are scheduled separately.

90-120 minute session
Sliding Scale Private $222 - $333

☥ Cacao & Breathwork Journey ☥

Our breath is alive - it is the first original medicine we commune with alongside sound. We cry at birth so we can receive the sweet nectar of Earthly oxygen, we commune with the sacred element of air from the moment we arrive here on this Earth until the moment we transition.

The word for Breath, in multiple ancient languages is the same word for Spirit. It is a direct tether to Spirit - a tether from the form to the formless.

Through this sacred practice of consciously enaging with our Breath as medicine - we access Original states. The flood gates open, stuck energy moves and we become our own healer.

Every body possesses the innate technology to heal. We are all living transmissions of the Divine Wisdom that animates all life. Through breathwork can remember and reawaken this living technology within our bodies. We can deepen our relationship to our own unique medicines and heal from within.

Upon opening our container we will commune with the sacred heart medicine, Cacao, to open into a unified field of unconditional love.

As you journey through breath, I will be channeling sound & song transmissions, spoken transmissions and offering energy work. My role is to be the container to allow you to surrender more fully.

2 hour session
Sliding Scale Private $277 - $377

𓆙 Yoni De-Armouring 𓆙

If you’re feeling called to embark upon the path of the priestess, I won’t sugar coat it… You’re being asked to feel more of everything. Expand your capacity & range with your body as your guide. Learn how to live as embodied channel, allowing all emotions to pass through you and alchemize them into pure, raw, life force energy.

Your pussy is a powerhouse of creative potential AND she needs to feel safe. We often store lifetimes of trauma, pain, emotion and stories inside the walls of our yoni as well as our vulvas.

It’s so common to experience pain, numbness, disgust or disinterest during sexual intimacy. Many women experience feeling shut down & unable to open to pleasure and connection whether with themselves or a partner.

The beautiful thing is, that all of us have access to this incredible gift of building a sacred relationship with our yoni. Through slowness, presence and unconditional love we can reawaken her into the wild, erotic, gushing powerhouse that she is.

If and when your yoni gives a sacred ‘yes’ you will be invited to enter your own portal to deepen your relationship to your pussy, to offer internal massage & lovingly release stored emotions, traumas & stories and to practice vertical sourcing through opening your vagal pathway.

This practice can absolutely be psychedelic and wildly emotional. As our yonis are portals to the cosmos & our oracular wisdom we remember and awaken our gifts as a channel for Shakti. As our yonis & throats are connected this is a powerful ritual for vocal activation as well.

2-3 hour session
Sliding Scale Private $277 - $377




The healing of our yoni portal re-ignites the oracular magic that we carry as women. As we re-awaken our eternal, primal connection to Shakti and activate our yoni-throat connection we liberate our innate & essential soul song to the world.

Remember your deep connection to Pussy & the primal wisdom she holds.

Reclaim your sovereignty as a Queen, erotically activated and alive - pulsing with Shakti energy.

Activate your Priestess codes to live turned on and embodied in your Sovereign Divinity.

Open into full surrender of the deepest core truths of your inner sanctum. 

Awaken your true sense of inherent self worth, self love & faith.

Reclaim your sensual, erotic, wild & magnetic self.

Experience deep sisterhood through a co-creative portal of authentic, raw & vulnerable expression.


Vocal Activation & Soul Song Liberation
Erotic Awakening & Tantric Union
Ecstatic States, Original Language & Body Technology
Ancestral Wisdom & Connection &Embodied Channeling
Re-Sensitize & Deepen Experience of Pleasure
Awaken your Erotic Connection to Gaia
Yoni De-Armouring & Self Pleasure/Sex Magick Ritual
Increase Your Capacity & Emotional Range

Devotion & Self-Love

Fall madly, irrevocably in love with yourself, beyond your wildest dreams.

This journey is first and foremost one of coming home to yourself - to learn the language of your own sweet vessel and be in sacred communion with her day in and day out. Come sister, we invite you to delve into the most epic love story of your life.


Awaken to the ancient wisdom in the primordial depths of your eternal Soul.

Activate the source code of your own Divine channel.

Discover your innate capacity to live as an embodied channel, an expression of Divine Source Light.

Do you feel your intuitive gifts ready to be brought to the surface?

WE are the Living Transmission, the One Song of the Uni-Verse.

WE are the ones our ancestors dreamed into life to co-create a world based on love, empathy, harmony and human liberation.

Are you ready to answer the call? Are you being pulled into full alignment & devotion to your sacred Earth mission?


Vocal Activation & Soul Song Liberation
Erotic Awakening & Tantric Union
Ecstatic States, Original Language, Body Technology
Ancestral Wisdom & Connection
Self Initiation & Embodied Channeling
Sourcing of your own Innate Wisdom & Capacity to Heal & Transform

I believe that we are ALL channels here on a mission to unite the human family. There are many ways in which we can activate & express our unique gifts. If your feeling called to initiate into your medicine, I would be honored to support you.

 I am not the ‘healer’ nor am I the one doing the healing. I am simply holding the safe container in which YOU activate your own innate capacity to heal. I humbly have the honor of witnessing, supporting and holding space for your journey.
